Sauron has brought war to the Free People of Middle-earth. On the field of the Pelennor, at the gates of the great city of Minas Tirith, the battle of our time is being fought. Lothlorien, Thranduil's Kingdom, Dale and Erebor are also under siege.
Sauron will not stop until all of Middle-earth is his. Join him, or stand with those who are against him. The choice is yours!
The Two Towers MUD is a free Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game set entirely within Tolkien's world of Middle-earth, at the time of 'Lord of the Rings'. We have extensively re-created the lands of Middle-earth in a rich text environment, from Mithlond to Mordor and the lands of Harad beyond. With over 100,000 rooms and always growing, The Two Towers is a richly developed and highly interactive world. There are hundreds of quests, with rewards great and small, for you to discover.
The Two Towers has an active community of players from around the world who come together to play online. Players join together to create guilds, raid enemy lands, and more.
Online continuously since 1994, The Two Towers is one of the longest running multiplayer games on the internet and is maintained by a staff of hardworking volunteers who love Tolkien and multiplayer gaming.