Encumbrance (General Help)
Encumbrance reflects how much your character is being affected by the
weight and bulkiness of what he is carrying. To see what your current
encumbrance is, use the 'enc' command. It can also be viewed with the
'i' (inventory) command. There are 5 levels of encumbrance:
- Unencumbered - Encumbrance has no effect on any of your
characters actions.
- Lightly encumbered - Very small effect on some actions.
- Moderately encumbered - Moderate effect.
- Heavily encumbered - Encumbrance is becoming a strong factor.
- Severely encumbered - You are at a serious disadvantage.
Currently encumbrance is based on strength and the weight of your items
and gold. Bulk is also a factor of encumbrance, but only for items that
you carry in your hands; worn armour does not count. If you see you are
encumbered but cannot figure out why, remember that gold is heavy:
10 gold = 1 pound!
Gameplay-wise, encumbrance affects the following things:
- Combat. You will be easier to hit when you are encumbered.
- Swimming. If you are encumbered, you may either be not able to swim
at all, or you will lose endurance at a higher rate.
- Sneaking. If you are to sneak around, you'd better take care to not
carry too much stuff that can make noise!
- Busy combat rounds. Whenever you do an action in combat that makes
you busy for a while such as eating food or opening a door, expect
it to block more rounds the more encumbered you are.