Survey (System command)
The survey command provides player access to the survey system.
Surveys are used by the administration to poll for player opinion on
important gameplay matters. Please do not hesitate to use the system
to voice your opinion; feedback is important!
The view the surveys, you can use the following commands:
- survey list - list all active surveys
- survey all - list all surveys
- survey waiting - list the current surveys
- survey done - list the completed surveys
- survey todo - list the surveys you haven't voted on
- survey new - list if any surveys have been updated/new
- survey new # - read only the new comments for a survey
- survey new waiting - list any waiting surveys that have been updated
- survey mark read - mark all surveys as read
- survey next - read the next unread survey
- survey read # - read the survey
- survey read next - read the next survey submitted after the current
- survey read previous - read the previous survey submitted to the current
- survey read current - read the survey you have just read
- survey short # - read just the results without the comments
- survey feedback - list all surveys with Valinor feedback
- survey feedback next - read the next survey with unread Valinor feedback
- survey announce new - be notified about unread surveys upon login
- survey announce todo - be notified about todo surveys upon login
- survey announce off - turn off login alerts for new surveys
To search the surveys, you can use the following commands:
- survey search <x> - search for <x> in active surveys
- survey search <state> <x> - search for <x> in all surveys that are in
state <state> e.g. 'survey search done hi' will search all
finished surveys for the text 'hi'.
- survey search all <x> - search ALL surveys for <x>
To post your feedback, you can use the following commands:
- survey approve # - vote your approval for a survey
- survey reject # - vote your rejection of a survey
- survey abstain # - abstain on a survey
- survey comment post # - post a comment on a survey
- survey comment read # - list all comments on a specific survey
- survey comment new # - list only the new comments for a survey
- survey comment next - read next survey's comments
- survey comment help - display the comment commands
You may also 'approve current' 'reject current' and 'abstain
current', which will make you vote on the current survey that you have
just read.