Warnings (System command)
In order to promote a fair and accurate process of enforcing
our rules here on The Two Towers MUD we have created a warning system.
This system allows an ainu to warn someone he/she has seen breaking
one of the MUD policies. The 'warnings' command will show a user what,
if any, warnings they have, and when they received them.
If an immortal warns you on an issue, the following things occur:
- The reason for the warning is logged. It logs your name and the
reason you were warned.
- It tells the immortal that warned you how many other warnings you
have and what they were for.
- If you are online while the warning occurs, you will immediatly be
sent a message which declares:
- You have been warned.
- Why you were warned.
- The total number of warnings you now have.
- If you are not online (such as if a Power or Vala is going through
the harass logs) the warning info will be mailed to you.
Current policy states that the Power of Law is sent a mail for each
warning above and beyond your 3rd. This is almost always bad news!
If you feel that a warning is unwarranted, please use 'law' to contact
the Power of Law, and explain why you feel the warning was not warranted.
Do not whine. If you did something wrong just don't do it again and
everyone will be happy.
Issued warnings 'last' for one year. After that time, they will be
automatically removed from the list.