Linkdead (General Help)
When your connection to the server closes unexpectedly from the
client side, you will become "linkdead". This happens when, for example,
you close your client window, or if you are using the web client, close
your browser or the tab with the game.
When you go linkdead, your character will receive a "[ Linkdead ]" tag
in legend and in short description. No one will be able to interact with
the character in a normal way; this also includes attacking him/her. If
you do not reconnect to the game within 15 minutes, the character will be
forced to quit.
Going linkdead during combat with another player will work slightly
differently. Your character will not be "linkdead" immediately, but
instead the combat will continue for several rounds. This is to prevent
"easy" escapes from PK situations, and gives your attacker a fair chance
to finish what they started.
Linkdead state is also not without consequences for the lawsys. If
you have been attacked by someone and did not report the attempted murder
yet, going linkdead will make the attempt *unreportable*. Report attempts
as soon as you can!