Memorials (Services Help)
Memorials are a way to remember past players of Arda, in a slightly
less formal way than official legends. Memorials can be created by any
player for anyone. Unlike legends which are accessible anywhere, memorials
will only be accessible to general public at specific memorial places.
Currently, these places are in: Rivendell, Bree, Bywater, Belegost, Havens,
Adornas, Minas Tirith, Lothlorien, Thranduil, Esgaroth, Edoras, Dale,
Erebor, Dol Amroth, Osgiliath and Linhir. In each of these cities you
will either find a minstrel who will tell you about the memorials, or a
quiet site with stone tablets with memorials etched on them. They are
usually located at or next to the local cemetery.
To create a memorial, one has to go to the memorial creation room in
Minas Tirith, level 3 and purchase one. A memorial costs 40,000 gold and
it will be only available in one city, chosen by the creator.
The following rules apply to memorials:
- You may pay for the memorial both from the raw gold that you have on
your person, or directly from your bank account.
- The memorial text may have no more than 20 lines, and each line may
have no more than 70 characters.
- You cannot create a memorial for a character that still exists.
- If you create a memorial for a character that was over 75d of age
when they left Arda, their name will become permanently banished.
- You may create a memorial for a player in multiple cities, however
you will need to pay the 40,000 fee for each city you want the
memorial in.
- Memorial text is subject to profanity and harassment rules, as is
any public form of communication. Violations will be dealt with