Semotes (General Help)
Soul emotes, or semotes are a set of built in actions for you to do.
You can use them to interact with your fellow Ardans. They don't cost
any endurance points and will not start any battles (unless perhaps, you
taunt someone who you shouldn't...).
There are two types of semotes: targeted and untargeted. Some are only
targeted, for instance "admire"; you have to admire something. Some are
only non-targeted, for instance "flex". And some are both, for instance
"wave"; you can wave or wave at someone. The targeted and non-targeted
versions of the same semote may be quite different.
Most semotes have a place to add your own modifier. You might want to
grin wickedly or grin cheerfully. To use a modifier simply type it at the
end (ie: "grin wickedly" or "grin amon wickedly"). If you decide upon a
modifier that you want to use all the time for a particular semote you can
"set" it in your environment variables (ie: "set grin wickedly") and the
MUD will handle appending it for you. You can just "grin amon" and you'll
be grinning wickedly! Many semotes come with built in modifiers. These
can be over-ridden by you; more on that next.
Internally there are two types of modifiers: override & invisible.
The override modifier always appears unless the player types their own
modifier OR specifies they don't want to see it by typing a period after
the semote, eg.: "grin ." This is called an override modifier because it
requires the player to override it to get rid of it.
The invisible modifier never appears unless the player specifies they
want to see it by typing a period after the semote, eg: "smile ."
In both cases, if the player types their own modifier, that is what
will appear. Remember, the player using "set" is the same as typing their
own modifier.
Note: |
Because of the modifier syntax, it is impossible to target emote
using a two-word identifier of a living being. For example,
"grin ugly orc" would not work. Furthermore, this limitation
extends itself to using numbered identifiers. It is now impossible
to "pet horse 2", for example.