Trap (Ranger ability)
Usage: |
trap <here|arm|disarm|destroy>
Rangers have the ability to fashion traps to aid them and their party
in combat. Your skills determine the efficacy of your traps, as well as
how many times they can be used. You may only deploy three traps at a
time, so choose wisely -- once you reach the limit, you will have to wait
until they fall apart or destroy them (if someone doesn't beat you to it).
Traps are created (set) with the "trap here" command. If you want to
remove a trap, use "trap disarm" and then "trap destroy". Optionally, you
can also "trap arm" a trap that was disarmed but not yet destroyed.
Rearming a trap resets the time left before they wear out.
Trap is primarily a ranger ability and its success is based on the
tracking and nature's lore skills. A successful attempt to make a trap
costs 30 EP, while a failed one costs 10 EP. EP is also spent in combat:
luring enemies into traps while avoiding them yourself is not effortless.