Welcome to the Two Towers Mud! - T2T
The Two Towers, an online game set in Tolkien's world of Middle-Earth, at the time of 'Lord of the Rings'
Adventures in Middle-Earth - For fans, by fans - Established 1994

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Note  50  Osse         (05/01/24 19:01)  30th Anniversary T2T Merch Now

On the evening of June 8, 1994, a momentous event occurred: The Two
Towers server was booted up for the first time. Ankh, a friend of the
college student we would later know as Aule, was the first person to log
in and verify the mudlib was up and running. Soon after, Aule himself
logged in (as Krysh) and the next day the other founding Valar arrived.
T2T was born.
To celebrate the fact that T2T has been around for three decades, we have
designed a range of great anniversary keepsake items: shirts, hoodies,
mugs and more! June 8 is the actual anniversary date, but we wanted to
launch this merch campaign early so everyone could get their goodies in
time for the big day. This is not a fundraiser, and all of these items
are priced very close to actual cost - our way of saying THANK YOU to all
of you who have helped make the MUD great over the decades.
Here is the link to the T2T merch web store:

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